Milwaukee Nepali Pariwar aims to improve the physical, social, emotional and economics well being of Nepali living in Milwaukee area.
The Milwaukee Nepali Pariwar was formed in 2012. It is a non-profit, non-political, volunteer organization without religious affilation. Our aim is to improve the physical, social, emtional, and economics well being of Nepali living in Milwaukee area and keep Nepali customs and traditions alive in the USA.
Who we are?

What we do?

We work in close collaboration with the growing community in Milwaukee area. We are running Nepali School for kids, performing numbers of events through out each year including Nepali New Year, Dashain, Teej, Summer Picnic, and more, promoting Nepali culture and heritage in the Nepalese community in Milwaukee area. We believe that improving our community's knowledge and understanding our Nepali culture will help keep our custom and traditions alive in the USA.
How often do we meet?
The board meets every month to discuss about upcoming events and activities. If any member is interested to attend board meeting they can contact one of the board member prior to the meeting.